I suppose this is publishing related so I'll continue. Lettersofnote.com is overwhelmingly one of my favorite sites. Edited by Shaun Usher, it's a site composed of images of original correspondence (usually to or from someone of note) accompanied by a transcript (legibility issues abound). Anyway, it's probably one of the most relaxing reads of the day. Some letters are absolutely adorable; like this from R. Reagan to Nancy, and this from Jane Austen to her niece. Alternately, others serve as painful reminders of the way things were: today's note from a former slave, or a letter from a mother who lost all five of her sons to World War II.

Usher provides wonderful context for each letter, and I believe the popularity of the site has increased so much that libraries and museums have begun to donate pdfs of their correspondence to the cause.

As I know all of my faithful readers share in my tastes, I know you'll love Letters of Note.

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