Hello, kind readers.

Here's an update on the wonderful world of prototype magazines for Meredith:

We're looking at a final product composed of a little more than 50 pages, about one fifth of which will be ads. We're currently working on our first drafts of editorial -- each team member is in charge of a department and must contribute to or write a feature. My department is Sips, and in it I'll feature recipes for drinks with floral ingredients. For example, my favorite is a lavender and mint hot chocolate recipe. You'd drink it, wouldn't you? I would. Everyday. 

Our team of designers, Breanna, Julie and Laura, are busily working on templates for the departments, and the publishing team could not be more excited about their work. 

What we're still working on:

-A more complete media kit.
-List of potential advertisers.
-Editorial copy.
-Images -- some of which we'll shoot ourselves, others will be pulled from Meredith's stock images (thanks, Meredith!).
-A prospectus. 

Check back for more updates on the capstone project, and quite obviously, you'll all get to see the final product (in pdf format.)

Image kindly borrowed from abrightercandle.com
As my capstone project lurches forward, I thought I'd update my fan club on our progress. Together with the editors at Meredith Corporation, and Professor Fennell, we've decided the focus of our magazine will be brunch. Yes, that meal you might have once a month, or once a year. We're going to give you a reason to have brunch every weekend. Here are a few:

1. Cocktails before 5 p.m.
2. In some cases, pajamas are allowed.
3. While dishes are both sweet and savory, they can be healthy and substantial.
4. It's an implied group event (read: fun).
5. It's more fun than your cardboard cereal, but less hassle than a formal holiday meal.

Have I convinced you? Are you too busy to answer that because you've just ran to your favorite restaurant to order the morning prix fixe menu? If not, I'll just have to let the final prototype do its job.